Friday, November 11, 2011

Newton's Dark Secrets

Tampa Tribune

Letter to the Editor

Newton’s Dark Secrets

In reference to Larry Carey column “Clash Between Intelligent Design and Evolution not necessary”, NOVA on PBS recently aired a show called “Newton’s Dark Secrets”. In there it is revealed that Newton had a strong faith in religion and that he believed that God did have a hand in the universe.

It is interesting that Galileo and Einstein also had these same convictions along with 90% of the US population that believe in a God.

Even the greatest mind of out time Steven Hawkins concludes in his best seller “A Short History of Time” that there must be a greater force that set the Big Bang in motion.

So why is it so hard for the liberal media to accept that most Americans believe that God had a hand in nature ?

I would highly recommend that these liberal elites stop watching “Desperate Housewives” and watch a little NOVA. They might learn something about their readers and maybe even themselves.

Manny Suarez
27 year Math Teacher
Berkeley Prep and USF

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